
The beautiful thing about FIFA 17 Coins from professional site mmo4pal.com

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Date:25th Sep--10th Oct

The beautiful thing about FIFA 17 Coins is that each year the game lets you do a lot more. Whether it be scoring an ambition like never before or customising your personal player, there's a lot of freedom.

Something which is definitely Buy Fifa Coins new and you definitely don't know about, is the incredible celebration inside video above.

After reddit user 'bizzarevan' scored an objective with Arsenal, Aaron Ramsey, Alexis Sanchez and Kieron Gibbs is visible sitting on the marketing board at Old Trafford - and going SCUBA DIVING.

The trio pinch their particular noses and fall back again, mimicking the action associated with entering water with scuba dive gear.

We've never seen this kind of before, and judging from the actual post by 'bizzarevan' - he/she hasn't either.

The gamer commented: "I have no idea how i did it. But I think you just have to run to the advertising boards and so they would just do a random celebration by it. "

It's all very impressive - but surely that's got to hurt!

